The communities of Blaenymaes, Portmead, Penplas and Cadle are known as Penderi. Four distinct and vibrant communities in the Ward of Penderry, Swansea.

A mixture of Government and private financial investment, means that Penderi is set to see some exciting, innovative and life changing projects in the next 15 to 20 years. So, it was important that all organisations involved in these investments and projects, came together to listen to local people and agree a way of working that creates positive impact for the existing community, and makes the most of new opportunities that will enhance the area.
Through conversations in the community and working with local Councillors and community members, Pobl Group lead on the development of a 15-year plan for Penderi, that represents what local people want to see and considers all the possible options to make this happen. This is called the Masterplan. You can read the summary document Masterplan here.
From listening to local people and studying local and historical information, 7 very strong areas of focus became clear. These are explained in the Masterplan and called the Ambitions…because, well…they are gleefully ambitious:
Integrated Blue and Green Infrastructure
Building on the valued green spaces in Penderi to improve them for people and nature. Improving spaces that are busy with nature and where local people feel safe to explore, relax and exercise. This includes the design and care for natural and man-made drainage systems, like streams and rivers, alongside the natural green environment.
Connected and Accessible Neighbourhood
Making life easier for local people to connect with each other and the wider world. There are lots of ways that movement in and around the community can be improved, from better designed walking and cycling routes, to new methods of public and shared transport. This ambition will also look at digital connectivity and access to the internet.
High Quality Homes
While some people told us that they like the ease of renting so that they know their home is taken care of, some people told us they would like to own their own home one day, but don’t want to leave the community they grew up in.
Community Facilities and Provisions
There are some great community facilities in this neighbourhood already, including, the Drop In Centre, Swansea Community Farm, Ty Fforest Resource Hwb and the woods off Cadle (managed by Penllegare Valley Woods Trust). This ambition looks to support the local people who run these facilities and build on what they already provide to fill some of the gaps local people told us about.
Active and Involved Community
This whole project started because local people wanted to see long lasting change and were fed up with disjointed decisions being made for their community.
The future success of this ambitious plan is hinged on the active involvement of local people.
Energy Efficient
You will already be able to see some solar panels in the neighbourhood, including the new Council built homes on Colliers Way and the retrofit energy project for Pobl customers.
Grant funding is making this transition to green energy possible, including a £6 million programme funded by Pobl, WEFO and Welsh Government.
Economically Resilient Neighborhood
There are plenty of local businesses in Penderi but the current design of public spaces and low footfall means that business owners have a challenge to make enough income to survive.
The development and investment opportunities linked to this programme, will support local businesses to grow and become sustainable, offering more employment for local people and providing a wider range of services.
All 7 ambitions depend on the others to be successful and have the biggest positive impact for local people and the environment. All organisations in the Penderi Regeneration Programme have committed to work towards these ambitions using Asset Based Principles, involving and listening to local people at every stage, so we make sure we are all taking the right action at the right time alongside the community.
Click here for an aerial tour of the area and use password: Penderi2020