Swans Foundation Fit and Fed Summer Sessions
During the summer holidays, Swansea City AFC Foundation delivered several Fit & Fed sessions for children and young people throughout Swansea. The Fit & Fed project is designed to provide opportunities for social connection, and encourage active and healthy lifestyles with an availability of food and snacks during the activities. The sessions give young people the opportunity to take part in free football activities that boost both their physical and mental wellbeing.

In Penderi, we actively engaged with 74 children and young people and had over 170 attendances across all three sessions throughout the summer.
We were fortunate enough to be joined by Swansea Community Farm and Forest School, who delivered additional activities as part of our set up at Blaenymaes MUGA. Penlan Neighbourhood Policing Team continue to provide invaluable support to both our Fit & Fed and Kicks sessions!

The Foundation will be delivering the Fit & Fed project during the October Half Term. The session will take place at Blaenymaes Community Centre & MUGA on Thursday 31st October 12-3pm. We’ll be celebrating Halloween with lots of fun activities, football, and food. More details to follow!