STEM Workshops: Sparking curiosity and building futures with our local Primary schools
Pobl, in collaboration with University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD), secured funding from the National Grid to run two in-school workshops and a campus visit to introduce STEM, (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) pathways into higher education and STEM career opportunities.
Elisha Hughes from the Widening Access Reaching Wider team at UWTSD, delivered two in-school workshops for Years 5 and 6 in three local primary schools (Blaenymaes, Portmead and Cadle), and Townhill Primary school as part of Pobl’s Beacon Hill development in Townhill. An amazing 240 pupils took part.

In the workshops it was good to see how the pupils engaged, asked relevant and interesting questions and reflected on their interests and career aspirations. Apart from the presentation and discussions, the pupils had to work together in teams to create a marble run.This activity helped pupils to enhance skills such as teamwork, communication, visual tracking, hand-eye coordination and helped build their STEM knowledge in a fun way.
Across two days a total of 121 pupils then travelled to the UWTSD Waterfront campus IQ Building taking part in hands on activities, being inspired by innovative possibilities with the use of technologies such as programmable robots. They experienced the immersive room and took part in designing a human habitat for outer space as part of the Moon Camp Challenge. With all the space technology, the immersive room was a big hit with the pupils and made for a memorable and mind-blowing experience.

As an appreciation for the schools taking part, all the schools received four marble run kits and all the children received goodie bags and certificates, whilst others were celebrated for being outstanding in areas such as teamwork, asking good questions, being helpful and good robot designs.
Teacher feedback
”The children loved the in-school ‘marble run’ activity. So much that they want to buy sets for the school. The organisation was excellent, with numerous areas of the new curriculum included. The campus experience day was also excellent. It has broadened the children’s horizons and opened their eyes to university being an option for them in the future. All the staff were engaging during all the sessions. The children were amazed by the immersive room!” Townhill Primary
”The stem workshops both in school and university are wonderful experiences for our pupils. This gives the pupils opportunities to learn new skills and give them aspirations for the future. the pupils loved the workshops, and we are very grateful for the opportunities. Blaenymaes Primary
”An excellent experience for our learners. Great school workshop introduced by a knowledgeable teacher. All enjoyed. This met our expectations and more.” Portmead Primary
”Really enjoyed and supporting us with transport was crucial.” Cadle Primary
Pupil quotes
‘I think it really helped me learn about university and STEM and now I feel confident for when I am older.”
I had fun because we learnt so much different stuff. I would love to come again; my favourite was the screen with mars and stuff on.”
‘I loved all the workshops, but my favourite was the room with the HUGE screen.
‘Super fun 10/10 my favourite part was the robots.”